09 May, 2015

Book Review: Smoke

Today's book review is over Smoke by Ellen Hopkins. This is the second book in the Burned series i'm not sure if this is the final book i believe so but not sure . Unlike Burned where it Focus just on Pattyn this book has a Dual point of view. That second point of view is her sister Jackie. Now those of us who read Burned knows what type of House hole these girl come from and the turmoil Pattyn and what she lost ( i'm trying to keep this review spoil free for both book.) Also it Hopkins Fashion she talk about something for years that was a no no for people to talk about and still to this date is hush hush in some families. The topic in this book is abuse mainly Physical and sexual abuse more so on the physical then anything but there are hints of the emotional side of abuse as well. the yell and the threats as well as intimidation are part of the emotional the beating are physical of course and raped is raped. Hopkins talks about this though the victim's point of view though Jackie and how it feel to lose your voice after such events happen. Telling the truth about such event more times then most will help the victims heal and being told to " hold your tongue" in a sense can eat at a victim. There also Forgiveness more so on Jackie's side with her self and mother. Now with both Pattyn and Jackie there is the hope of finding love both for the first time With Jackie and for a second time With Pattyn. There both the fear and hope of happiness Fear from Pattyn and hope with Jackie. Hopkins as so touch upon family both by blood and friendship. over all even though it took me longer then most of her books do for me to read i did enjoy the book a lot and it got the same reactions most of her books get out of me anger for those her mistreat the main character symphony for the main character and an deeper understanding of a world i didn't understand before. over all i give this book a five star rating. i love it to pieces and finally get closer after be left hanging with not knowing what happen after the last book ending.

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