10 October, 2024

mom life

 Mom life has been chaos some day a bittersweet others I love seeing this little human grow and become his own person, but it bittersweet because getting older and growing with everything that changes I get a little sad a mile stone has come and gone. I know that life and thing will always be bittersweet for a mother we proud of our little one achievements and sad to see them grow and need us just a little bit less each day. I've also got some what of a route going finally. My son sometimes will though it off but I can go with the flow more now then when he was first born and was trying to be super mom sleep is still a struggle for our boy some days and nights he might sleep 3 hours straight at night other times he might sleep 8 hours it's a roll of the dice I just get what sleep I can with the route I set for myself. with that said this boy of mine got me wrap around his little fingers I love him so much it not even funny i don't know what i would do with out him and his father now that they are in my life. with that said have a wonderful day or night and keep on reading what you love.

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